SEOUL, KOREA, Nov.21, 2017 -- TESSLIFT CO., LTD., a leading provider of tissue approximation technologies for Plastic & Reconstruction markets, announced today that it has signed an exclusive agreement to its Japanese exclusive distributor. The distributor has extensive experience in Japanese surgical and medical aesthetics market. It will supply TESSLIFT SOFT, the premium mesh suspension system for tissue approximation, to its network of over 200 clinics in Japan including the Shinagawa Medical Chain. "This is an important stepping stone for ZISHEL GROUP, and it represents the propitious sign for the imment successes of our brands into Japanese Channels. Plus, since the Japanese medical market is referred as the slow-paced market, we will progess slowly and strategically with patience," said Jimmy JW Kim, CEO of ZISHEL GROUP.
Shinagawa Medical Chain had been using various forms of threadlifts. When they came across with the world's first mesh threadlift, they knew TESSLIFT SOFT was exceptional. The board members of the Shinagawa went through the careful examination of the product and led the comprehensive clinical tests. "The wife of the Shinagawa president was very satisfied with its effects," said CEO of TESSLIFT's Japanese Exclusive Distributor. Also, the intentellctual property registered in Japan offers surgeons and physicians to demonstrate its innovavtion and effectiveness to both the patients and other medcial professionals.
TESSLIFT, the premium mesh implant, is deployed into the SMAS layers to suspend the surrounding tissues via tissue ingrowths technology into its pores. The barbs in the implant provides the initial holding strength to suspend the tissues. The mesh and its tissue ingrowth of the surrounding tissues provide the major contributions in the later phases. This world's first innovative technology is protected under the intellectual property rights in over 42 countries.
Sinagawa Laser and Aesthetics Medical Chain is the leader in Aesthetic Medicine. The chain comprises more than 50 clinic branches located in Japan, covered by more than 400 plastic surgery specialists. With the extensive experience in aesthetic treatments and care on over 4 million patients, Shinagawa makes th unending effort to provide the patients with the most updated, effective, and safe treatment via innovative technologies.
WEBSITE. http://www.shinagawa.com

ZISHEL GROUP is established to R&D, market, and distribute the novel medical technologies for Plastic and Reconstruction and Aesthetics. In connection with more than 23 international medical chains and +11450 private clinics, we have the mega-size distribution channels in over 52 countries covered by +35 blockbuster distributors worldwide. The majority of our executives were both educated and trained in the United States. They lead with excellence via unique leadership styles over our staffs and have propitious relationships with internationally recognized professors, physicians, and healthcare professionals worldwide. Our key differentiator is our continual investments for R&D activities under variety of applications. In the fast-changing healthcare environment, we challenge ourselves to adapt to new trends and lead developments for novel solutions tailored to our clients' needs.
WEBSITE. www.zishel.com | EMAIL. info@zishel.com

TESSLIFT is a privately owned medical device company, dedicated to the development and commercialization of the world's first invented mesh suspension implants. TESS is an abbreviation for Tissue Elevation Suspension System. For research initiatives underway, we desire to use our novel technology to expand its use to meet other unmet clinical needs. With that in mind, we are closely cooperating with surgeons and biomedical engineers to maximize the safety and effectiveness of our products.
WEBSITE. www.tesslift.com | EMAIL. info@tesslift.com
CONTACT. +1-851-0186 [US]